About Us

Echodea ek-oh-dee-uhis a customer management solution comprised of modules that connect the dots for you, your members and your registrants. A system fueled by the dreams of association professionals like you, backed by developers who make those dreams come true!

Why the name?

We would like to say the name is the genesis of putting an Echo and an Idea together - but the realization of that came later. In actuality, it is the official melding of all our kids' first initials into something we thought sounded pretty cool! It was only after it all came together, we realized the true significance of what the name could and does mean.

As an Echo is a repetitive sound and an idea a thought or concept, the name evolved into what we wanted for Echodea and for those we work with. A solution that addresses the many pain points our clients currently face by providing consistent value that resonates with their customer set and powering informed concept fulfillment. Combining the effect of an Echo with an Idea = Echodea = you have the start of something profound that will evolve as your organization does, furthering your success and your organization's vitality. With Echodea, you can rest assured that we hear you, we've been you and we've got you today and into the future!  

Meet the Team

Rusty Kroboth
Rusty Kroboth
Technical Director
Kira Kroboth
Kira Kroboth
Digital Mastermind & Web Conductor
Sonya Guthrie
Sonya Guthrie
Creative Solutions & Business Development Director
Jennifer Rowell
Jennifer Rowell
Customer Success Director